
omnis mundi creatura
quasi liber et pictura
nobis est et speculum

jedes Geschöpf dieser Welt
für uns ein Bild und ein Wort
und ein echter Spiegel ist

Alanus ab Insulis

der vogel
Space for flying
God-bird 1
God-bird 2
God-bird 3
Chinese magpies
A Persian thrust in Budapest
A canari bird in London
Owl above the olive trees
Waiting for you, comrade bird

die nachtigall
Sephardic nightingales
Singing for the second time
Singing for the third time
The prisoner’s romance
The zorzal
Morning bird

der hahn
The rooster is crowing
Crowing for the second time

der rabe
Grow a crow

die taube
Stadttaube in Prag

der schmetterling
Heavenly and earthly love

der tiger
Tiger’s Year in Budapest
Paper tiger

die zwölf tiere
The great circle of time
Circular time
der hund
Dogs of God
The Trastevere’s dog
Lupus in tabula
Dogs of Sant Antoni
Sailor dogs
Semiramis’ dogs
Estonian military dogs
Dog on board
Frat dogs of Istanbul
Double-tailed dogs in Palma

der bär
Bear cub
Bear hunting
Hunter’s equipment
The bear fires back
Bear ceremony in Moscow
Wandering bear
The Bear King
Little and Great Bear
Wine to the Two Bears
The two envious bear cubs
The Hungarian and his bear
Bear cave
Fox Tale

der löwe
The educated lion
Lioness in Odesa
The lion’s tail
Double-tailed lion

und das lamm
Agnus Dei

ziegen in der welt!
Mallorca, West
Mallorca, North
Mallorca, South
The Holy Land
The Goat Island

der esel

der affe
Monkey’s love
Kill King Kong!

der fuchs
Fox Tale
The fox and the cheese
The fox and the mouse
die katze
Hero cats of Leningrad
The Muromtsev Dacha
Cat funerals
Chinese cats
Cats in Mallorca
Cat in Cantabria
Argentine cats
The Cat Bride
Man with a Cat
The wind-swept spirit
Der Planet der Katzen

das kaninchen
Rabbit in the moon
Year of the rabbit

der elefant
Czech elephant
Chinese elephant
Argentine elephant
Portuguese elephant
Nazi elephant

das nashorn
0. Rhinocerology
1. The Pope’s rhinoceros
2. Rhino on the reverse
3. The first litter
4. The truth suppressed
5. A distant relative

der drache/schlange/krokodil
Dragon invasion
Hidden dragons
Terra Sancta
Dragon anatomy
Die Schlange auf politischen Poster
Shaun Tans Schlange in Venedig

der fisch
Little and big fishes
The big fish

der wal
Leviathan, or, The whale

das monster
Pantagruel’s monsters
The monster of Anatolia

die ameise
Ant marries

die grille/heuschrecke
Like the cicada
Winter grasshoppers

der käfer
Apotheosis of the bookworm

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