Some of the best books about German poetry

Most of the scholarly work on poetry is published either as journal articles or as single chapters of edited books which have a non-poetry focus. However, the volumes below are full-length studies devoted to poetry.

Hutchinson, Peter, ed. Landmarks in German Poetry. Lang, 2000.
[examines a selection of famous, single poems] Link

Prawer, Siegbert. Heine: Buch der Lieder. Arnold, 1960. [old and small but still the best introduction to Heine]

Ryan, Judith. Rilke, Modernism and Poetic Tradition. CUP, 1999.
[does what the title says]

Cosentino, Christine. Tierbilder in der Lyrik des Expressionismus. Bouvier, 1972.
[unusual angle]

Arnold, Heinz Ludwig, ed. Lyrik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Text & Kritik, 1999.
[not as comprehensive as the title promises but some interesting essays]

Kuhn, Tom, and Karen Leeder, eds. Empedocles' Shoe: Essays on Brecht's Poetry. Methuen, 2002.
[a mix of essays, some on single poems] Link

Wenzel White, Erdmute. The Magic Bishop: Hugo Ball, Dada Poet. Camden House, 1998. [interesting and original] Link

Bridgwater, Patrick. The German Poets of the First World War. London, 1985. [good topic, nicely done]

Bower, Kathrin M. Ethics and Remembrance in the Poetry of Nelly Sachs and Rose Ausländer. Camden House, 2000.
[important poets] Link

Divers, Gregory. The Image and Influence of America in German Poetry since 1945. Camden House, 2002. [interesting concept] Link

Berendse, Gerrit-Jan. Die sächsische Dichterschule: Lyrik in der DDR in den sechziger und siebziger Jahre. Lang, 1990. [introduces a generation]

Leeder, Karen. Breaking Boundaries: A New Generation of Poets in the GDR. OUP, 1996.
[definitive on 1980s poetry] Link

I am still waiting to read a really good book on Celan’s poetry, so none is listed here.

See also The Poet's Role
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