Recording of Bachmann germanPoems 03:49 0 yorum Hear Ingeborg Bachmann reading her poem 'Dunkles zu sagen' from her collection Die gestundete Zeit . (You will need Real Player).
Oxford germanPoems 09:35 0 yorum I am a stipendiary lecturer at three Oxford colleges. I teach German language and literature for the university courses below, as well as gi...
Lectures germanPoems 10:49 0 yorum German Poetry in the 20th Century Lecture series at the University of Oxford Hilary term 2006 Weeks 1,3,5,7, at the Taylorian, Mondays at 12...
Winter in Berlin germanPoems 08:10 0 yorum Literaturwerkstatt Berlin, Knaackstraße 97 (Kulturbrauerei), 10435 Berlin 7 Dezember 2005, 20 Uhr Von Preisen und ihren Trägern Die Lyrikpre...
Georg Heym in translation germanPoems 02:13 0 yorum Review of Poems by Georg Heym , translated by Antony Hasler (2005).
Recording of Celan germanPoems 03:01 0 yorum Listen to Paul Celan's famous Holocaust poem 'Todesfuge', from the collection Mohn und Gedächtnis , read by the poet himself. (...
Bilingual Trakl presentation in London germanPoems 03:22 0 yorum Tuesday 8 November 2005, 7.00 pm The Austrian Cultural Forum invites you to a presentation To the silenced: Selected poems by Georg Trakl Wi...
British views of the GDR germanPoems 04:48 0 yorum Anyone in Berlin next week may be interested in an event entitled Views from abroad - Britische Perspektiven auf die DDR. It is being held o...
BRÜCKE - Die Geburt des deutschen Expressionismus germanPoems 04:04 0 yorum 200 Meisterwerke aus internationalen Sammlungen 01.10.05 bis 15.01.06, Berlin Die Gründung der Künstlergruppe "Brücke" 1905, eines...
Schiller & Psychotherapy germanPoems 03:52 0 yorum A unique seminar, conducted by PROFESSOR NIGEL REEVES OBE, Professor of German, Pro-Vice Chancellor of Aston University, co-author (with Ken...
Frauenkirche, Dresden germanPoems 09:23 0 yorum The Frauenkirche has been re-consecrated in Dresden 60 years after being destroyed by Allied bombing. The charred remains of the church wer...
Frankfurter Buchmesse 2005 germanPoems 03:13 0 yorum The 57th Frankfurt Book Fair has opened! It takes place from the 19th to the 23rd October, showcasing books, their authors, publishers, as w...
German Women's Writing germanPoems 03:58 0 yorum This term there is a public lecture series at the University of Cambridge on Landmarks in German Women’s Writing , which includes lectures o...
The Meaning of Tingo germanPoems 10:12 0 yorum German propensity for compounds creates many delightful instances where a single word requires an entire clause in English. Kummerspeck lit...
European Day of Languages germanPoems 16:12 0 yorum To mark the European Day of Languages today - a Council of Europe initiative to celebrate linguistic diversity and promote language learnin...
Sebald Lecture and Translation Prize germanPoems 12:25 0 yorum The Sebald Lecture commemorating W.G. Sebald , German novelist and founder of the British Centre for Literary Translation , will be given th...
Elections germanPoems 04:12 0 yorum The elections taking place on 18 September are the subject of much debate, including perspectives on gender , youth and a grand coalition ....
Translation germanPoems 10:39 0 yorum On literary translation Modern poetry in translation Rilke in translation Heym in translation Translation prize awarded for contemporary Ger...
100 words on a poem: No.9 germanPoems 07:46 0 yorum Volker Braun’s poem ‘Hiroshima, 57 N.D.B.’ marks a ‘Treffpunkt’ – where rivers meet, where the barefoot shrine-visitor bows, and where the a...
Rudi-Dutschke-Strasse germanPoems 03:31 0 yorum The left-wing activist and student leader Rudi Dutschke was murdered in 1968. In his song "Drei Kugeln auf Rudi Dutschke", Wolf Bi...
September events in Berlin germanPoems 03:20 0 yorum 06.9.2005 Lesung: Hans Magnus Enzensberger liest Wallace Stevens 21 Uhr Aus Anlaß des 50. Todestages von Wallace Stevens gibt Hans Magnus En...
59. Münstereifeler Literaturgespräch germanPoems 01:33 0 yorum Lyrik und Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert 16.9. bis 18.9.2005 Gedichte bedürfen des Vortrags und der Deutung. Zwei Lyrikerinnen und zwei Lyr...
Rilke in translation germanPoems 07:26 0 yorum There are now more than twenty American translations of the Duineser Elegien . Marjorie Perloff's interesting essay Reading Gass reading...
100 words on a poem: No.8 germanPoems 03:28 0 yorum The physical capacities of sound are prominent in Durs Grünbein’s poem ‘Versprich mir’: an ‘ich’, for example, sounds within the words ‘vers...
Tip: germanPoems 02:21 0 yorum offers free online access to monthly reviews with a literary focus. The issue with Schwerpunkt: Lyrik is of particular in...
Goethe on writing poetry germanPoems 04:10 0 yorum "Die Welt ist so groß und reich und das Leben so mannigfaltig, daß es an Anlässen zu Gedichten nie fehlen wird. Aber es müssen alles Ge...
POET: EVELYN SCHLAG germanPoems 15:20 0 yorum The poetry collections Einflüsterung nahe seinem Ohr. Gedichte. Vienna: Maioli, 1984. Ortswechsel des Herzens. Gedichte. Frankfurt a.M.: F...
Events germanPoems 02:47 0 yorum Büchnerpreis 2006 Celan seminar series Aldeburgh poetry festival Brecht poetry event in London Berlin lit festival Benn exhibition Trakl wor...
New Book germanPoems 02:30 0 yorum Available now Silke Arnold-de Simine (ed.) Memory Traces: 1989 and the Question of German Cultural Identity Series: Cultural History and Lit...
Poets writing in German germanPoems 03:18 0 yorum Wilhelm Bartsch Marcel Beyer Wolf Biermann Thomas Böhme Volker Braun Heinz Czechowski Ulrike Draesner Kurt Drawert Hans Magnus Enzensberger ...
Introduction to late-20th-century poetry germanPoems 06:00 0 yorum Postwar Germany’s golden age of poetry began with Die sächsische Dichterschule in the mid-1960s, received new impulses from the Berlin Pren...
German poetry in the age of globalisation germanPoems 01:42 0 yorum In the age of globalisation, is there any evidence of German poems becoming increasingly transnational, of an outflow of German poetry into ...
Teaching Poetry in a Prose Culture germanPoems 02:15 0 yorum Taking Lyrics Literally: Teaching Poetry in a Prose Culture is an essay by Charles Altieri, which discusses how we might best lead conversa...
100 words on a poem: No.6 germanPoems 07:22 0 yorum Günter Grass's poem 'Die Vogelscheuchen' voices the ruminations of a domestic gardener. The opening 'Ich weiß nicht, ob man ...
Figures from Greek myth used in German poetry germanPoems 06:14 0 yorum Ganymede (Ganymed) – epitome of male youthful beauty, son of the king of Troy, carried off by eagle of Zeus to be cupbearer Hyperion – tit...
Poetry and Change germanPoems 10:12 0 yorum Amidst life-altering events and shifts, poetry is well placed as a genre because of its immediacy. The way poetry has of setting our interna...
German history germanPoems 03:07 0 yorum German history according to the Bundestag : 'Wege - Irrwege - Umwege': Die Entwicklung der parlamentarischen Demokratie in Deutschla...
Expressionism germanPoems 02:12 0 yorum Concept A modernist mode, mainly in the second decade of the 20th century, perspective of angst and absurdity, disturbing visions of downfal...
Contemporary Germany germanPoems 06:38 0 yorum News from Berliner Zeitung News from Der Spiegel News from Deutsche Welle German public intellectual rankings German culture in the British ...
Recent German films germanPoems 06:33 0 yorum Sehnsucht Das Leben der Anderen Brinkmann film Berlin Film Festival 2006 Sophie Scholl Gegen die Wand Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei Halbe Tre...
GDR culture germanPoems 06:31 0 yorum Poesiealbum GDR poetry Early GDR iconography GDR posters Poster: 40 Jahre DDR Berlin Wall 17th June 1953 Exhibition: Mauersprünge Exhibition...
Holocaust, Nazism and the Second World War germanPoems 06:30 0 yorum Exhibition in London Exhibition in Berlin Monument in Berlin Suppressed music Europe after the rain Film: Die Mörder sind unter uns Film: Na...
Useful sources germanPoems 06:29 0 yorum New Books: Perlentaucher Texts: Projekt Gutenberg Catalogue: British Library Catalogue: Oxford University Catalogue: School of Advanced Stud...
Some of the best books about German poetry germanPoems 02:37 0 yorum Most of the scholarly work on poetry is published either as journal articles or as single chapters of edited books which have a non-poetry f...
100 words on a poem germanPoems 06:42 0 yorum Confining attention to one poem and imposing a word-limit of a hundred words is an exercise in promoting the poem as a complete work of art ...
Lieder germanPoems 04:10 0 yorum The German term is used in English to refer to Romantic art songs. The lied is a fusion of two arts, poetry and music, but one of those comp...
Undead Authors germanPoems 02:34 0 yorum Poets' names are a conventional and convenient way of referring to groups of works, but fundamental methodological problems arise where ...
On Reading germanPoems 02:05 0 yorum Literature is one of the essentials – not merely one of the appurtenances or amenities – of the good life, for it is not just the joys of re...
Poetological ideas germanPoems 07:12 0 yorum Some answers to the question: what is poetry? Poetry is “ die Antiware schlechthin ”, “the ultimate non-merchandise”. [Hans Magnus Enzensber...
100 words on a poem: No.1 germanPoems 07:35 0 yorum Michael Wüstefeld’s poem ‘The great wave’ was published in Wende -Germany in 1990, written in the GDR in 1987, and is a response to a pictur...
Starter Kit germanPoems 07:07 0 yorum The Canon, or 50 essential poems to know Goethe – Willkommen und Abschied Goethe – Auf dem See Goethe – Ganymed Goethe – Prometheus Goethe ...
‘Freihäfen des Geistes’: Comments from Czechowski, Drawert, Grünbein, Hensel, Mensching germanPoems 05:08 0 yorum Below is the questionnaire I sent on 25 November 1998 to six German poets (Volker Braun, Heinz Czechowski, Kurt Drawert, Durs Grünbein, Kers...