Ophelia germanPoems 08:30 0 yorum In connection with my current work on Ophelia poems in German, I have been looking at Ophelia webpages. Here are some of the less silly one...
Heine germanPoems 08:09 0 yorum Zum 150. Todestag eines der berühmtesten deutschen Dichter ist national und international das Heine-Jahr ausgerufen.
Gossip germanPoems 08:10 0 yorum The prime minister's aide Alastair Campbell dined here at College on Friday night and when asked what German literature he recalled from...
Modern Poetry in Translation germanPoems 08:16 0 yorum 'Poetry is less and less a prisoner of its own language . . . it is a universal language of understanding, coherent behind the many lang...
Berlinale germanPoems 04:09 0 yorum This week the 56th Berlin film festival opens. The films being shown include 55 German productions. In the last ten years German films have ...