Freitag, 15. Dezember 2006, 20.00 Uhr Ein Tunnel über der Spree„Berlin im Text“ Berlin als Lebens- und Arbeitsort: Zu dem Schriftstellertref...
Büchnerpreis 2006

Büchnerpreis 2006

The Büchner-Preisträger for 2006 was announced earlier this year to be Oskar Pastior. The author and translator, from Transylvania, is known...


The literature festival opened in Berlin today. Among the poets reading there are Ulla Hahn, Michael Krüger, Oskar Pastior, Gerhard Rühm, a...
Brinkmann Film

Brinkmann Film

This summer, the film Brinkmanns Zorn came out, based on the life and last project of the German poet Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, who died at th...


Heute wird das » Literaturportal «, die erste zentrale Internetplattform für das literarische Leben, auf einer Pressekonferenz in Berlin fre...
Peter Waterhouse

Peter Waterhouse

Poet and UEA Visiting Professor, Dr Peter Waterhouse, will be giving the third of his Leverhulme lectures on Tuesday 13th June, 5-7pm, Art...
Vortrag in Marbach

Vortrag in Marbach

Heute wird das neue Literaturmuseum in Marbach eröffnet. Seine spektakuläre Präsentation kehrt das Verhältnis von Werk und Manuskript um. ...


The poetry collections Kleine Zahnpasta: Poems 1987-1989 . Paris: dead language press, 1989. Walkmännin: Poems 1988/89 . Frankfurt a.M.: Pat...
Lyric beginnings

Lyric beginnings

Examples of a convention: the ‘Wo bin ich?’ lyric opening 1. Angelus Silesius (1624-1677), ‘Der verdammte Übeltäter’ : Ach weh, wo bin ich...
Goethe & Schiller

Goethe & Schiller

Radio 4 on Goethe Goethe on writing poetry Poems on figures from Greek myth Lieder settings of poems by Goethe and Schiller Schillerjahr 20...
Lyrik Kabinett

Lyrik Kabinett

Founded in 1989 as the first German poetry library, the Lyrik Kabinett is based in Munich and located in the Institute of Comparative Liter...
Poetry Scene News

Poetry Scene News

Poetry scene news is a well-judged digest, provided by the South Bank Centre in London, from a predominantly UK perspective, but with some ...


DREAMLIVES is a fully staged and dramatised recital of late romantic Lieder (Strauss, Berg and early Schoenberg), performed in German. It is...
World Book Day

World Book Day

World Book Day was designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and was marked in over 30 countries around the glob...


In connection with my current work on Ophelia poems in German, I have been looking at Ophelia webpages. Here are some of the less silly one...


Zum 150. Todestag eines der berühmtesten deutschen Dichter ist national und international das Heine-Jahr ausgerufen.


The prime minister's aide Alastair Campbell dined here at College on Friday night and when asked what German literature he recalled from...


This week the 56th Berlin film festival opens. The films being shown include 55 German productions. In the last ten years German films have ...
Poetry and Change

Poetry and Change

Amidst life-altering events and shifts, poetry is well placed as a genre because of its immediacy. The way poetry has of setting our interna...
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