100 words on a poem germanPoems 06:42 0 yorum Confining attention to one poem and imposing a word-limit of a hundred words is an exercise in promoting the poem as a complete work of art ...
Lieder germanPoems 04:10 0 yorum The German term is used in English to refer to Romantic art songs. The lied is a fusion of two arts, poetry and music, but one of those comp...
Undead Authors germanPoems 02:34 0 yorum Poets' names are a conventional and convenient way of referring to groups of works, but fundamental methodological problems arise where ...
On Reading germanPoems 02:05 0 yorum Literature is one of the essentials – not merely one of the appurtenances or amenities – of the good life, for it is not just the joys of re...
Poetological ideas germanPoems 07:12 0 yorum Some answers to the question: what is poetry? Poetry is “ die Antiware schlechthin ”, “the ultimate non-merchandise”. [Hans Magnus Enzensber...
100 words on a poem: No.1 germanPoems 07:35 0 yorum Michael Wüstefeld’s poem ‘The great wave’ was published in Wende -Germany in 1990, written in the GDR in 1987, and is a response to a pictur...
Starter Kit germanPoems 07:07 0 yorum The Canon, or 50 essential poems to know Goethe – Willkommen und Abschied Goethe – Auf dem See Goethe – Ganymed Goethe – Prometheus Goethe ...
‘Freihäfen des Geistes’: Comments from Czechowski, Drawert, Grünbein, Hensel, Mensching germanPoems 05:08 0 yorum Below is the questionnaire I sent on 25 November 1998 to six German poets (Volker Braun, Heinz Czechowski, Kurt Drawert, Durs Grünbein, Kers...
POET: KERSTIN HENSEL germanPoems 06:58 0 yorum The poetry collections Angestaut: Aus meinem Sudelbuch . Halle: mdv, 1993. Bahnhof verstehen: Gedichte 1995-2000 . Munich: Luchterhand, 2001...
POET: ULLA HAHN germanPoems 05:17 0 yorum The poetry collections (all Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlagsanstalt) Freudenfeuer: Gedichte . 1989. Galileo und zwei Frauen: Gedichte . 1997. Her...
Poesiealbum germanPoems 06:49 0 yorum The “Poesiealbum” series of poetry magazines was published in the GDR between 1967 and 1990. It represents a unique distillation of GDR lite...
New monument, Berlin germanPoems 06:59 0 yorum The national Holocaust monument opened officially today in the German capital, after years of wrangling. The Monument to the Murdered Jews o...
Recent conference: FLASCHENPOST germanPoems 03:00 0 yorum Flaschenpost : German poetry and the long twentieth century organised by Dr. Karen Leeder New College, Oxford 16 April 2005 Prof. Robert Vil...
POET: GÜNTER KUNERT germanPoems 02:32 0 yorum The poetry collections Abtötungsverfahren . Munich: Hanser, 1980. Berlin beizeiten . Munich: Hanser, 1987. Der alte Mann spricht mit seiner ...
FILM REVIEW: Good Bye Lenin! germanPoems 03:22 0 yorum The clever, funny film Good Bye Lenin! captures the speedy transition from East to West in 1989. It invokes paternalism, ailment and façade...